
Call me old school, but I have always had a super soft spot for Nintendo. Sega came and went. PS came and dominated. Xbox is still around. But Nintendo, with its cute games and stuff has always been my favorite. And now, they are coming out with a new Gameboy which they say will fit in the tightest jeans pocket, and a new console called “Revolution” which is promising to be the smallest console out there. And they are going to make their controllers wireless. *squee* Check it out!

Weekend was tiring, but fantastic. On Friday we went out with customer support at Stampsdotcom to watch HGTTG again. We hung out and had an overall good time.

Saturday, after work, we went out with , , , and his girlfriend. It was fun even though at this point I was so exhausted.

Sunday? Got to the aquarium at 6:30 a.m. to go whale watching! We carpooled to Santa Barbara and arrived early enough to have breakfast on the pier. I was a little sketchy due to my history as a person that can’t hold her food down on a boat, but I got a burrito anyway. I had taken Bonine the night before, and that morning, so I was hoping to be all set. We got on the boat, and took off – at freakin’ 20-30 knots!! It was a rollercoaster ride! Seriously, if you were inside, there were times when you would be off your seat, times when you felt your stomach sink – or just hang in midair. So, you think I got sick? Not at all! It was fantastic!! I was able to enjoy the ride without getting sick! Juan went out on the portside rail to see how fast we really were going and to check the waves out (we could see the water splashing up the sides of the boat). It was insane. It was so cool though, I don’t think I can really describe it. Just holding on to the rails and looking out to the water, anticipating the next big wave and trying to go along with it so you don’t fall over. It was like a game. Then we saw sea lions cruising out there, porpoising in and out of the waves. They were so cute. But then, we saw common dolphins – pods of them – trying to race the boat. They’d come right up to the bow and take off. They looked so beautiful jumping in and out with their dorsals out of the water, three or four in sync with each other. Then they’d end up just riding our wake.

After all that, we went out looking for big baleen whales. We were hoping to see blue or humpbacks, but nothing. Then the captain took us out the Santa Cruz Island and literally cruised all around it. What a magnificent place that is. There are all these caves, one of which he brought the boat into partways. It was so impressive and beautiful. The topography is nothing like that of Catalina, at least, not that I saw.

Then we went out on the ‘hunt’ for some big whales again, and almost at the point where we had given up, we saw two consecutive blows! We got closer and saw that it was a humpback cow and her yearling calf! We kept an eye on them, seeing them as they came up for air, hoping they would take a dive so we’d see their flukes, but they didn’t, not really anyway. But that was ok, because we got to see these magnificent animals just cruising around in the channel.

It really was a fantastic trip.

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