List your current six favourite songs, then pick six other people that have to do the same.

1. Feel Good Inc – Gorillaz. I like all the riffs and changes. It gets me moving.

2. Beverly Hills – Weezer for no other reason than I don’t mind this song being stuck in my head.
3. Such Great Heights – The Postal Service. Yes. Still.

4. Fix You – Coldplay. Awwwwwwwww.

5. Can’t help lovin’ that man of mine – Bjork. *shrugs*

6.  Somebody told me – The Killers. I think it’s because it is upbeat and because I am still confused about the lyrics.

, , , , , and just to spite you, ;). Tag, your it!

I really really want a permanent lj account.
If I wasn’t married, I would go for it. Put it on a credit card, who
cares. But now that I am married, *sigh*, there is no way in hell that
I would be able to convince Juan of the merits of spending $150 on
something that can pretty much be free. 🙁 I just know that I will be
kicking myself the next time they offer them, I’ll think that $150
wasn’t really so bad.

I want to do a real recap, post some great pics from the wedding
marathon, do my personal book reports, and talk about life in general
(heh). But not now.

ETA: Dude, am I a geek? Why do I want to go so bad?