Goblet of Fire

Dude!! Like I said on the evite – those sneaky bastards!! IMAX tickets went on sale yesterday, without any announcements! I called several times last week, especially after scarah2 posted about getting her tickets. Anyway, so I call today because I am nervous about this whole thing even though they told me to call tomorrow because they work on the new schedules on Wednesdays and dammit! They started selling them already. Luckily, I was still able to get our seats in a block instead of being all spread out and crap. We got rows L and K, seats 7 through 16. They had closer blocks, like way close, so I went for the back. Dude – this is IMAX. I have 17 confirmed yes’s, but bought the block of 20 because of the maybe’s, and because OMGITSGOFIMAX!!!11! and I know people will still want to come!

I feel like it was such a close call! *wipes forehead*

*and laughs*

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