Last night, Juan and I went to work out and it was pretty good. We signed up officially on Wednesday after having a one week pass. It’s really nice because there is a facility right around the corner from where I work, so when he picks me up, we just go right on over. I was familiar with the regular weight machines that one finds in high school gyms and stuff, but there are some pretty snazzy machines here that I had never seen before. Very specific machines, and what’s best is that once you know what to do, it is really easy to adjust them for the proper resistance. There are some that are even on hydraulics, where all you need to do to increase/decrease resistance is tap on a pedal or push an easily accessible button (even mid-rep). This may all be old news to you, but I found it pretty nifty.

Tonight I am working an overnight, so I am going in at 3:30 p.m. and not coming back out until tomorrow at 7:30 a.m. I haven’t done one in a really long time, so it will be nice to get back into them. Tonight’s should be really easy because it is only 24 people (parents and their kids), whereas next week’s is more like 150 people. 0_0 Yeah.

And an update about my dad: Today is his final scheduled radiation treatement. Thank God. The doctor today will tell him if it really is the last one, and I really hope so because it took a lot to get my dad here. He’s felt like quitting these past two weeks because of the pain. He’s been sick the entire time because he takes a hospital carpool and this flu/cold season has been terrible. It’s been really hard for him, in and out of the emergency room. I am just glad that today should be it, at least for now. Please God, let it be, so that his throat can heal from the sores. Just think about him, and send him your prayers and good mojo. =)

And speaking of prayers and good mojo…. think about Pincey too. *hugs* chica!

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