Adding to the sundry….

That meme that’s going around (specifically aoife_ife‘s result) reminded me of another really cool thing from PopSci!

For those of you that have trouble deciding whether you want to be buried or cremated, or what the hell you are gonna do when you die, there is this german guy that has developed an awesome solution to what to do with your body [you know you think about it all the time!]. Instead of sitting in a coffin underground and waiting for the worms to get to you someday, or being burnt to ashes, thereby reducing you to nothing useful, or spending gazillions of dollars to turn your body into a finished diamond (yes folks, you can do that!), you can be cryogenically frozen and dehydrated then crushed to smitherines!

But wait, that’s not all….

After you have been turned to this powder (much like flour), you get put into a little box and buried. This box is made of something (dammit I forgot what it is, don’t have the magazine with me at the mo’) that will biodegrade quickly, and the powder [not being ashes] will be able to provide the earth with nutrients, thus taking a better part in the circle of life.

And get this, this process only costs about $1,000 US total. Compare that to your average $8,000 burial service! It is only in Europe right now, but I will research this when it gets to the US and will seriously consider this as a way to go, after I go.

I wish I could remember what it was called. Damn me for leaving my magazine at home. And damn my memory! lol

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