
So, I finally found the charger for my camera battery and charged that baby up. Now, I just need to take some pictures and post them. Since so few requests came in (come on, this is digital!), I am still taking requests, so feel free to ask for something if you haven’t done so, or add to your request.

The Long Beach Grand Prix was this weekend, and I can’t express how happy I am about that. Finally, all that crap will start to come down and the traffic and access nightmare that is downtown Long Beach will be nothing but a memory, at least, that is until next year. The conversion of the city streets (between putting things up and tearing them down) takes about 3/4 months. This is what the Aquarium looks like the weekend of Grand Prix. I hate it. I am not a race fan (and no, I don’t hate racing). I hate the LB Grand Prix on principle: it makes downtown ugly, and is a nightmare to deal with – especially when you are not a fan. But, if you want to see how it went, my friend has some great photos (my favorite has got to be the drifters in front of Borders – how surreal). I hear that for fans (especially ones that don’t live in or work in downtown Long Beach), it really is a cool event.

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