On Juan’s computer

My own computer finally started, but it was really slow to get there. So I am currently doing a system restore to Tuesday. I am crossing my fingers (you can cross your toes for me 😉 ) hoping for the best. But before I do anything else, I need to spend a few hours backing up all my stuff. *sigh* ETA: it isn’t working. *rips hair out*

This morning I was finally able to take a semi-normal shower. Juan bought a chair and put it in the shower for me and set the angle of the shower and everything just right for me to use. I hadn’t been able to take a real shower since Monday because I can’t wet my toes and standing in plastic bags for too long just wasn’t cutting it. It came down to wash cloths. I was so fed up. So I took a shower this morning. And there was no hot water. *hd* Talk about awful! Good thing is that it has been incredibly hot and awful lately so the cold water wasn’t chilling to the bone, but it also was not the nice long hot shower that would melt away the grossness that I had been dreaming about all week.

Then I changed the bandages on my toes and took another look at them. Ew. And because if it happened to anyone else I would be completely and morbidly curious, I give you the option of seeing photos if you dare.
Ew Ew

The one on the left got opened up on both sides, the right one only on one side.

And see, nail polish ain’t as posh as you gals thought! lol

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