Aquarium Update
Work on our website has been pretty exciting lately. I just thought I would share some stuff that you might be interested in checking out:
- You can subscribe to the Aquarium of the Pacific’s Aquacasts on iTunes. They are a mixture of informative bits and interviews with some of our guest speakers.
- We also launched videos of those interviews on our website. In the near future, we hope to be able to add more fun stuff.
- The blogs have gotten really great. I highly recommend you read Hugh’s blogs as well as Staci’s (
). We know people are reading them, but getting comments is like pulling teeth. So if you enjoy their entries, please leave them a little note. They are not getting paid to blog, so comments are love.
- I don’t remember if I ever linked you to our Online Learning Center, but in case I didn’t, there you go. Great resource and it is only growing.
Anyway, there you go. I just wanted to pimp what I get paid for working on. 😀