Exciting News!

I’ve been radio-silent for about a month because I have one thing on my mind – I’m pregnant! It was still too soon to share the news and there was little else I wanted to talk about, so I just stayed away from my blog until we shared the news with family and friends.

The response has been overwhelming (in real life and online!). You guys have made us feel so wonderful and I know that our baby will receive so much love from all of you that I can hardly stand it.

Juan and I are very excited and are looking forward to our lives changing forever with the addition of a little one to our lives. It still doesn’t feel real, but I know that before we know it, the baby will be here.

It was fun sharing the news with our loved ones. I didn’t manage to get photos of everyone, but the photos I did get were awesome. I wish I could have photos of everyone’s reactions, but I don’t have Google Glass just yet 😉

Sharing the news with our family:

Father's Day

Father's Day

Father's Day

[Father’s Day full set]

Sharing the news with the boys at work:




[Full set]

Stay tuned for baby mania. Hope I don’t lose you along the way!