Where have I been?

Well, I’ve been here, there. Around. Lotsa wank on my flist. Fandom. Always some wank going on. I check LJ everyday, and refresh my flist while I am at work (at the deskjob) like every 15 minutes. Dude, even when I am busy. ADD man, I just can’t focus on one thing!

Immeritus is still in the works, but right now it has forums, a gallery, and a working (pretty) chat. Some of you have been requesting membership to immeritus (you resourceful little scoundrels) but I am still unsure as to what I want to do with it. I am not sure if it will be open to membership, or something more like a newsfeed. When I know, you’ll know. Just friend it if you want right now.

I mentioned a few months ago that we started a book club at work. Just a bunch of gals (not exclusively, but it turned out that way, pretty much) getting together about once a month+ and talking about a book. Because we are doing that, I want to review the books I am reading on my LJ and work up my writing skills. I thought I would do that with movies at one point too, but I watched too many and didn’t feel like writing about them. Now I don’t watch many movies at all. But the book thing, that may work out. Books for the book club that we have read already that I should be writing reviews for soon: The Dirty Girls Social Club: A Novel by Alisa Valdes-Rodriguez, The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time by Mark Haddon, and The Kite Runner by Khaled Hossein. On the side I also read The Mists of Avalon and the Priestess of Avalon by Marion Zimmer Bradley, books I may also get too. I just want to make sure that I get the most out of them. When I read a book, I inhale it to the point that I almost don’t let things sink in, wanting to turn the pages as fast as possible so that I can find out what is happening next. I don’t let the text simmer in my mind, let my body digest it. And before I know it, the wonderful text that I have been enjoying is over, and it leaves an empty feeling. Like the world I have lived in for the past week has now turned its back to me and won’t tell me any more of its secrets.

So that is the feeling that I hope to get rid of with my own writings of said books.

I was looking at my lj and noticed that I hadn’t written in it since the salsa invite. Man, was that fun! If you are ever in LA and are looking for a hot salsa club, The Mayan is it! The place was packed though, by around 10:30-11:00. The people there danced like they were dancing in a freakin’ professional dance video, and those were just the clubbers. We also happened to be there for one of the finals for the world salsa competitions. It was un-real! Juan and I had lots of fun, despite the fact that I didn’t know how to dance very much (he’s the dancer), but fortunately, before we went, Juan looked up some nice simply dance moves and we practiced them at home. I was wearing new shoes, though, and I couldn’t walk by the end of the night (who the hell am I kidding, I didn’t even make it that far!). After that, we went to the Harbor House in Seal Beach and ate some yummy food at 2 in the morning. majorxero and lalagimp joined us there, but platonicform, amontoya and her husband cachanilla were with us at the club all night. We need to do that more often. It was a lot of fun!

Grand Prix of Long Beach is now over (thank the Lord!) and now they can start to tear down all the bleachers and crap that they take 3 months to put up for that god-forsaken race.

Other than that, nothing much to report. Oh! Except that maybe I may get to meet some gals from Immeritus (pen, soli, and star) this week, if they can get their butts over to the Aquarium.

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