So I got a nice new phone that I get to play with now, and Juan took advantage and upgraded himself too because we were do anyway. Sad thing is, that right when we got our phones, I lost Artemis…

we went to Best Buy and dropped him off. It was really a sad thing. I already backed up all of my files and stuff. Then I got the paper back telling me that I will be without him until Nov 11. When I asked the tech about this date, “is that really the date that I should expect my notebook back”? he looked at me and said, “wow, that seems really soon to me. Maybe, maybe not. We’ll give you a call.” I nearly died.

I would have taken him back, but I can’t really use my notebook right now because the DC pin is jacked up (apparently, after some research, Juan found out that this is a common complaint for this HP notebook – HP did a terrible job on it). This combined with my weak battery meant that Artemis was frustratingly useless. So he had to go. What do they need to do to him? Oh nothing, just replace the motherboard. 0_o What a stupid thing to have to do because some fool didn’t design the damn plug right.


PS: You know you want my avatar. You know you love it. You want to marry it.
Thanks to pnkrockbigmouth who drew the art and scarah2 who made the icons.

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