So they do a LOT of filming here in Long Beach, and in Southern California in general (duh). I haven’t seen it around here in a while, but a ton of CSI Miami got filmed here for a while. Numbers. Ford Commercials and movies. I dunno if you have ever encountered signs directing the crew where to go from the freeway to the filming site. But they are made of corrugated yellow plastic with some cryptic word or abbreviation right side up and upside down with an arrow right in the middle. This is simple and ingenious because you only need to print out one type of sign and flip it over depending on whether you want to point left or right.
So for about a week there have been a lot of “IM” signs and I just thought it must’ve been some other random little movie or some show I never heard of.
Yesterday when Juan picked me up from work, he wanted to swing by the lot where they have all the trailers which is right behind out parking structure at the admin offices. Saw nothing – big surprise. But when we drove over the bridge where they are filming there were a ton of cars. So they have enough cash to have a crapload of cars in this scene. This week, they shut down the end of the 710 freeway which leads to the Aquarium and Catalina Landing (where people take the catamaran to go to the island off of here). For about a week. So this production has cash – must be big!
Today I find out that it is Iron Man. The fact that it is a big blockbusterish movie just got me excited because I love being able to recognize my hometown when it is on the screen, especially the big screen. And I also wouldn’t mind running into Terrence Howard. 😉