Update central
So I am transferring my files over to my new macbook pro. 🙂 It is so sexy.
It is so awesome to do all (or at least most, really all at this point) of our Christmas shopping online. I am getting packages from BestBuy. Threadless, and Amazon. I am still waiting for more from BestBuy, Amazon, Moo, ThinkGeek, and the Academic Superstore. I’m not even done yet!
Oh and you gals that got on early with your Christmas cards – Cazz and Shazz! I got your cards today and totally made me feel like a slacker despite the fact that I have been working on stuff, just not my cards. I think I’d better get on them. Yikes!
Oh, and speaking of mail, Juan linked me up to a nice promotion they are doing at stamps.com – get a free photostamp so that you can send your letter to Santa Claus! It’s pretty cute and a great way for people to check out what these stamps look like. Now, it has a limit of one per household, so you might have to stick all your kids in one shot. And technically, I don’t think those letters need stamps on them anyway, but dammit, it is a cute idea and it’s free!
Tonight we are going to their company party. I think this is the earliest I have ever been to a Christmas party. It seems awfully early, but whatever. I don’t mind.
I have been listening to Christmas music all week, as my last.fm account can attest to. Today I decided to take a break and have been listening to Duffy instead. I get into these musical ruts that I enjoy. I will play something over and over and over again. You’d think it would drive me nuts, but I enjoy it.
This weekend, my sisters and I are going to Joanne’s and Michael’s to purchase crafts supplies to make stockings! I am way excited about this prospect.
OH! And one more thing… I have a new Scraptastic! client whose project I need to work on this weekend, another on the horizon who wants me to do a whole album (and he himself calls it a BIG project), and possibly another smaller album project. I am so excited! 😀
As a reminder, I do have table top calendars available, this is a great time to order for the new year!